Blind Bim's Emporium

In the Old Way- ask the old folks

Friday, June 13, 2008

The devil's grip just won't let go

It occurs me that, contrary to the Obama's campaign claims, McCain is running for Cheney's third term, not Bush's. How else can you explain this?
This is not the face of vegetarian America.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summertime ain't coming but it's always on my mind

It's almost mid June and I haven't even gotten the kiddie pool down from the garage rafters. We have not had sweltering days that swell the corn and bake me on my daily commuting bike rides. When will summer come?

I'll save you the predictably jokes about Al Gore not doing enough to cause some real global warming.


Baby, let's play house

See how you rank as a spouse in that golden era of matrimony.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Brother, brother, brother

Somewhere in China there is a matriarchial society that has not followed the lead of the dominant Han culture in proclaiming 2008 as the Year of the Rat. Instead they have designated this year as the Year of Marvin Gaye.

Their proclamation has become prophecy. A brown-skinned man has ascended to be the presumptive presidential candidate for a major US political party. And his words seem to echo Mr. Gaye's:

"We don't need to escalate.
You see, war is not the answer."

"Bills pile up sky high,
Send that boy off to die."

"War is hell, when will it end,
When will people start gettin' together again"

and so on...


Monday, June 02, 2008

Misty-watercolored memories

Ah, to remember the days when my best bud-running pardner and I painted our respective car doors with our names.

I don't remember such days, but I wish I did.
